The Twin-Pin anchors only spread once the insulation has been installed, which minimises the time needed to install block insulation. Once the insulation has been put into position, the supplied disc is pushed over the anchor arms and the ends of the anchor are bent apart using two pipes. To make work easier, the two ends of the anchor are of different length. The disc serves as a stopper and also presses the block insulation against the substructure.
The Twin-Pin type H series anchors are designed for manual welding and have a base at an angle of 90° from the arms.
The Twin-Pin type H anchors are available in three versions:
- STH – Anchors without corrugation for simple anchoring, i.e. thin lining, or bottom horizontal positions.
- CTH - Corrugated anchors for average to difficult anchoring applications; the depth of the corrugation corresponds to 0.7 of the diameter of the wire to achieve a good transmission of the retention forces to the refractory concrete.
- HTH – This type of anchors has pronounced corrugation, which enables better spread of retention forces into the refractory concrete.